The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy

Presentation Method

Speakers for oral presentations may give their presentations either on-site or online. Presentations will be given using the ZOOM screen-sharing function. Please refer this page for chairpersons.

On-site Presentations

  1. Please arrive at the venue 15 minutes before your presentation and connect the LAN cable to your PC at the operator's table in front of the room and enter the designated Zoom session.
    (The specific ZOOM URL will be sent separately.)
  2. Please change your ZOOM display name to your full name.
  3. Change your PC settings to not sleep or turn off while in standby mode.
  4. Please prepare your presentation materials and set up screen-sharing. The camera, microphone, and speakers will be muted. Once you have finished setting up, please wait at the table for the next presenter.
  5. When it is time for your presentation, a staff member will prepare your PC on the podium. Please turn on your camera before presenting via screen-sharing. You are responsible for operating your own presentation. (Please keep your microphone and speakers muted.)
  6. Presentation Time: The presentation time is listed to the right of the abstract number in the program. Please keep your presentation time.
    • General oral presentations: 11 minutes for presentation, 4 minutes for Q&A. Bell will ring once 2 minutes before the end of the presentation, twice at the end of the presentation, and three times at the end of the Q&A session.
    • Symposium: Please ask the chairperson for time allocation. In principle, the time for ringing the bell will be the same as for oral presentations, but follow the chairperson.
  7. Please end screen-sharing as soon as possible after your presentation. It will be followed by a Q&A session and the chairperson will ask for questions.
  8. After the Q&A session, please turn off your camera and leave the stage. Please pick up your PC from the operator's table.

Online Presentations

For online presentations, please enter the ZOOM session on your own PC and present via screen-sharing. Please make sure you are connected to a stable network.

  1. Please enter the ZOOM session 15 minutes before your presentation. (Mute your microphone and turn off your camera while waiting).
  2. Please change your ZOOM display name to your full name.
  3. When it is time to present, the chairperson will introduce you. Please unmute your PC, turn on your camera, and present via screen-sharing. You are responsible for operating your own PC and presentation.
  4. Presentation Time: The presentation time is listed to the right of the abstract number in the program. Please keep your presentation time.
    • General oral presentations: 11 minutes for presentation, 4 minutes for Q&A. Bell will ring once 2 minutes before the end of the presentation, twice at the end of the presentation, and three times at the end of the Q&A session.
    • Symposium: Please ask the chairperson for time allocation. In principle, the time for ringing the bell will be the same as for oral presentations, but follow the chairperson.
  5. After you finish presenting, please exit screen-sharing immediately. The Q&A session will follow, and the chairperson will ask for questions.
  6. After the Q&A session, please mute your PC and turn off your camera.

Other points

  1. Both on-site and online presentations will be given after entering the ZOOM session. There will be no PowerPoint-only presentations.
  2. Slides for presentations should be 4:3.
  3. If you are unable to prepare a PC, you may present your data on the Secretariat's PC if you bring your data on a USB. Please cooperate with the preliminary survey that we request separately. Also, if you are presenting on-site using a Mac, please bring your Mac but not the data device.
  4. If you are participating online, please connect via wired LAN or a stable Wi-Fi network.
  5. We recommend online participants use a headset to reduce audio problems.